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The Masked Avenger's user avatar
The Masked Avenger
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
5 votes

What are the applications of hypergraphs?

0 votes

Lower bound for Euler's totient for almost all integers

5 votes

Algorithms for calculating R(5,5) and R(6,6)

3 votes

Divergence of a series similar to $\sum\frac{1}{p}$

-1 votes

Upper bound for number of prime numbers in a range

2 votes

Products of relative prime numbers with least sum

2 votes

Diameter of random segment intersection graph?

3 votes

Generalizing the commutator and anti-commutator

2 votes

Why is every variety of bands determined by a single identity?

3 votes

Can we find 3 disjoint directed Hamiltonian cycles in the cube?

2 votes

Are these inequalities for primes equivalent?

2 votes

Distribution of composite numbers

2 votes

Random graphs with boundary in a game (Tsuro)

3 votes

How many unit simplices are needed to cover a unit $n$-cube?

4 votes

The diameter of a certain graph on the positive integers

1 vote

Thales' semicircle theorem in higher dimensions

1 vote

Solving $Ax=e_k$ for standard basis vector $e_k$, sparse $A$

5 votes

Parodies of abstruse mathematical writing

2 votes

Conjecture on the square root of the sum of the squares of the prime factors of a number

0 votes

A prime sequence can be partitioned into two sets of equal or consecutive sum

1 vote

Simplest form for sum of Binomial Expressions

1 vote

4-regular graph with every edge lying in a unique 4-cycle

2 votes

Inside-out polygonal dissections

2 votes

Splitting integers 1, 2, 3, … n to avoid least possible sum

2 votes stabbing (simply connected) regions on the 2-sphere with few geodesics

0 votes

Square filling self avoiding walk

1 vote

Covering a finite subset of $\mathbb{N}$ with prime arithmetic progressions

3 votes

When are the congruence lattices nicer?

2 votes

The shortest interval for which the prime number theorem holds

3 votes

Escape the zombie apocalypse