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Karl Schwede's user avatar
Karl Schwede's user avatar
Karl Schwede
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
67 votes

Is there a "geometric" intuition underlying the notion of normal varieties?

41 votes

Is primary decomposition still important?

38 votes

What is the definition of exceptional divisor?

32 votes

Why Cohen-Macaulay rings have become important in commutative algebra?

25 votes

How to define the canonical sheaf on singular varieties

24 votes

Blackbox Theorems

23 votes

Is the blowup of a normal scheme necessarily normal?

22 votes

Examples of interesting false proofs

21 votes

What formal properties should resolution of singularities have?

19 votes

Cohen-Macaulay domain with non-Cohen-Macaulay normalization?

18 votes

Frobenius splitting of Fano varieties

17 votes

Top cohomology of resolution of singularities

17 votes

Submitting papers “out of logical order” due to different review times or rejections

17 votes

A geometric reference for (affine) Gorenstein varieties and singularities

17 votes

What are some open problems in algebraic geometry?

16 votes

open but not affine subscheme?example?

16 votes

When will the pushforward of a structure sheaf still be a structure sheaf?

16 votes

Blow-up along a subscheme and along its associated reduced closed subscheme

16 votes

A "geometric" insight into a proof of Krull intersection theorem?

15 votes

motivation for multiplier ideal sheaves

15 votes

On Q-Cartier Divisors

14 votes

Obtaining non-normal varieties by pushout

14 votes

When do blowups ''commute''?

14 votes

When (if ever) disclose your identity as a reviewer?

14 votes

Is there an analog of Kodaira vanishing for singular varieties

14 votes

Life after Hartshorne (the book, not the person)...

14 votes

Algebraic geometry examples

14 votes

What are some open problems in algebraic geometry?

14 votes

Dualizing sheaf of reducible variety?

13 votes

Higher direct images and singular varieties

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