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Qing Liu's user avatar
Qing Liu's user avatar
Qing Liu
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
45 votes

Definition and meaning of the conductor of an elliptic curve

30 votes

Rings in which every non-unit is a zero divisor

30 votes

When does the relative differential $df=0$ imply that $f$ comes from the base?

29 votes

Do all curves have Néron models

29 votes

Noether's normalization lemma over a ring A

29 votes

morphism closed + fibres proper => proper?

28 votes

Is there a connected non-affine scheme $S$ such that it is the union of rings of integers of number fields?

26 votes

A finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra that is a field has to be finite

23 votes

Completion of modules of differentials (A strange exercise in Liu's AG textbook)

22 votes

Continuity in terms of lines

18 votes

Definition of Chow groups over Spec Z

17 votes

When is an irreducible scheme quasi-compact?

16 votes

Picard group of reducible varieties

15 votes

Can we always find a curve which doesn't have semi-stable reduction

14 votes

When is Br(X) = H^2(X,G_m)?

13 votes

Example of inclusion which is not a finite morphism

13 votes

countable union of closed subschemes over uncountable field

13 votes

Jacobian criterion for smoothness of schemes

12 votes

henselization and completion

12 votes

reduction of elliptic curves

12 votes

When two k-varieties with the same underlying topological spaces isomorphic?

12 votes

Restricting finite morphism to finite etale morphim

11 votes

Does Zariski's Main Theorem come with a canonical factorization?

11 votes

Are there Néron models over higher dimensional base schemes?

11 votes

Embedding of a scheme into a regular scheme

10 votes

Cohen-Macaulay sheaves which are not locally free

10 votes

Simply connected quasi-projective varieties in positive characteristic

10 votes

Is the tensor product of regular rings still regular

9 votes

Picard group of scheme over DVR

9 votes

Descent of closed subschemes over finite fields

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