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Zurab Silagadze's user avatar
Zurab Silagadze's user avatar
Zurab Silagadze
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
1 vote

Presentation of the Monster Group

1 vote

Is there a "conceptual" proof that an Albert algebra is a Jordan algbera?

1 vote

Reference to complete derivation of Kossakowski–Lindblad equation and its steady solutions

1 vote

Volume in tropical geometry as compared to volume in convex geometry

1 vote

Path integrals for stochastic equations

1 vote

References for Poisson and Lexis trials

1 vote

probabilistic distribution of given data

1 vote

Integrals involving associated legendre polynomials

1 vote

series of special articles of Notices AMS

1 vote

Reference Request: Siegel Center Problem

1 vote

References on thin film equation: derivation and properties

1 vote

2-adic Logarithm and Resistance of n-dimensional Cube

1 vote

Branching from $E(6)$ to $SO(10) \times U(1)$

1 vote

Is there a high level reason why the inverse square law of gravitation yields periodic orbits without precession?

1 vote

What's the role of commutation relations in stochastic mechanics?

0 votes

Is there a good approximation for this Gaussian-like integration?

0 votes

Partial derivatives of spherical harmonics

0 votes

Reference request for Stieltjes Transform

0 votes

References for a physicist migrating to stochastic processes

0 votes

Introductory text on Group Cohomology

0 votes

Solution to Schrödinger equation

0 votes

Quantization by cohomology

0 votes

Signal Analysis/Processing Textbook

0 votes

Space with 720° / not 2$\pi$ rotational symmetry?

0 votes

Principal value of integral

0 votes

Regarding understanding differential geometry

0 votes

Does the Riemann-Christoffel curvature determine the connection?

0 votes

Hilbert metric for the Euclidean plane, a reference?

0 votes

How to find the Inverse Laplace Transform of the following?

-1 votes

Textbooks for PDE between Strauss and Folland

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