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Dietrich Burde's user avatar
Dietrich Burde's user avatar
Dietrich Burde
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Austria
58 votes

Modern Mathematical Achievements Accessible to Undergraduates

35 votes

Which integers can be expressed as a sum of three cubes in infinitely many ways?

20 votes

Algebraic Groups in Characteristic p

20 votes

Are there only finitely many associative algebras of fixed dimension?

19 votes

Mathematicians who made important contributions outside their own field?

18 votes

How many three dimensional real Lie algebras are there?

16 votes

Partitions-sum of divisors identity

16 votes

Are there proofs that you feel you did not "understand" for a long time?

13 votes

On finite groups with same complex-valued character table

13 votes

sum of three cubes and parametric solutions

13 votes

Awfully sophisticated proof for simple facts

13 votes

Does Anyone Know Anything about the Determinant and/or Inverse of this Matrix?

13 votes

Kaplansky's idempotent conjecture for Thompson's group F

12 votes

What is the arithmetic Nullstellensatz?

12 votes

Generating function of $p(25n + 24)$

11 votes

Obscure Names in Mathematics

11 votes

Why is every deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of a complex semisimple Lie algebra trivial?

11 votes

History of profinite groups, when was it first mentioned? What was the original definition?

11 votes

Groups as Union of Proper Subgroups: References

11 votes

Would Elliott-Halberstam conjecture follow from GRH?

11 votes

When is a Baumslag-Solitar group linear?

10 votes

Applications of n-dimensional crystallographic groups

10 votes

Question about ring of integers of cyclotomic field

10 votes

Square root in complex reductive groups

10 votes

When is the integral group ring Noetherian?

10 votes

Is $\mathcal M _{g,n}$ anabelian?

10 votes

Which nilpotent Lie algebras appear as nilradicals of parabolic subalgabras?

9 votes

Which finite p-groups occur as commutators of finite p-groups?

9 votes

Affine structures

9 votes

Can you efficiently solve a system of quadratic multivariate polynomials?

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