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willing to iterate along all computable well-orderings ... imply all true Pi-0-1 statements - IIRC, this isn't true: you need more than the computable WOs to get such strong soundness results. I think we need to track down a reference to sort out these battling indistinct recollections!
Talk of first-order logic and "normal circumstances" makes me unsure as to exactly what you want here. The set of interpretations open to the infix symbol "^" are the same as those open to "+" - there must be some fixing of interpretations to be able to make your language describe exponentiation: what do you have in mind?
@Joel: Oh yes, I had misremembered the CNFT. To put things in lambda-calculus terms, the CNFT gives a head normal form, not the recursive full normal form. @Asaf, sorry.
Right, but there's a constraint on base systems, namely that you need to be able to do reverse mathematics over them. The quote of Friedman I cited in my answer gives a case for saying ERCA-0 might be the weakest reasonable base system: not a strong case, but a "best we can do now" sort of case. I fixed my answer to make this a little clearer.