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Dennis Sullivan's user avatar
Dennis Sullivan's user avatar
Dennis Sullivan
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
7 votes

Any finite simplicial complex has the homotopy type of an algebraic variety

3 votes

History of the notion of $(G,X)$-structure

8 votes

History of the notion of $(G,X)$-structure

11 votes

(Stable) homotopy groups of Quillen plus construction

14 votes

Topological cobordisms between smooth manifolds

9 votes

Status of PL topology

27 votes

What is torsion in differential geometry intuitively?

17 votes

Mixed Hodge structure on the rational homotopy type

24 votes

Is there a complex structure on the 6-sphere?

3 votes

"Average" Voronoi diagrams without probability?

6 votes

Measure of chords from a cantor set

9 votes

first Chern class of complex vector bundles and first Pontrjagin class of quaternionic vector bundles

13 votes

Are there 'cohomology' functors that respect all Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms except homotopy invariance?

11 votes

how to construct an oriented double cover of a lamination?

16 votes

Poincare duality and the $A_\infty$ structure on cohomology

26 votes

Nontrivial finite group with trivial group homologies?