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Piyush Grover
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
Abstract mathematical concepts/tools appeared in machine learning research
Hard to answer it since every example you gave arises as 'naturally' in machine learning as optimization does.
Seeking a Lyapunov function for a SIR model with immunity loss
I believe if (2) has all eigenvalues with positive real parts, then it is possible. The trace is not enough to judge that.
Seeking a Lyapunov function for a SIR model with immunity loss
For global stability of a fixed point (say 3 here), you need derivative of Lyapunov function to be negative definite everywhere. However, any function you pick will have derivative zero at the "other" fixed point (2).
Seeking a Lyapunov function for a SIR model with immunity loss
Yes, you can have local lyapunov function, but not global even if the other fixed point is unstable.
$0$-"norm" minimization with least-squares regularization
Have you looked into compressive sensing literature, specifically lasso problem where 0 norm is replaced by one norm without changing the solution.
Seeking a Lyapunov function for a SIR model with immunity loss
It will help clarify your conjecture (it could be true if all eigenvalues for 2 are non-negative and for 3 are non-positive). In any case, you cannot have a global lyapunov function simply because 2 is a fixed point and hence 3 cannot be globally stable fixed point.
Seeking a Lyapunov function for a SIR model with immunity loss
What do the eigenvalues of linearized system look like at the two fixed points?
Stability and symmetries
It depends on the class of perturbations one maybe interested in. For example, in study of navier stokes, it is common to consider symmetric subspace stability, i.e. only consider initial perturbations that respect a certain symmetry possessed by the solution under consideration , and then study the growth of those perturbations. So this process does infact consider the 'other' types of symmeteries than just orbital
Solve optimal control problem whose associated system is nonlinear
What does the problem being convex have to do with "handy expression" ? Convex just means you get a global minima. The expression I was referring to is the output of matlab from method 1.
Solve optimal control problem whose associated system is nonlinear
Why do you believe a handy expression exists? In other words, why so you ecpect a simpler expression than the result of your method 1.
How to tell, roughly, which PDE's are interesting to analyse?
PDEs can come from other sources than physics: geometry , stochastic processes and economics are examples of such fields.
Convergence rate of Toda/Morse flow
IN general, the strategy is to show that the correct diagonal matrix is the only stable fixed point, and hence the convergence is exponential. Are you looking to prove more than this ?
"Expected Value" of a solution to a differential equation
In some sense, that is what the field of dynamical systems is all about. Especially Ergodic theory. See:
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