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Darsh Ranjan's user avatar
Darsh Ranjan's user avatar
Darsh Ranjan
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Berkeley, CA
161 votes

Most harmful heuristic?

70 votes

Proofs without words

56 votes

How is it that you can guess if one of a pair of random numbers is larger with probability > 1/2?

49 votes

Jokes in the sense of Littlewood: examples?

46 votes

Fourier transform for dummies

45 votes

Truth of the Poisson summation formula

41 votes

Cool problems to impress students with group theory

40 votes

Free, high quality mathematical writing online?

40 votes

Fundamental Examples

33 votes

What are fixed points of the Fourier Transform

30 votes

Can a mathematical definition be wrong?

30 votes

Colloquial catchy statements encoding serious mathematics

29 votes

What programming languages do mathematicians use?

28 votes

What are some slogans that express mathematical tricks?

27 votes

Suggestions for good notation

22 votes

How to respond to "I was never much good at maths at school."

19 votes

What's your favorite equation, formula, identity or inequality?

18 votes

Fundamental Examples

18 votes

Generalizing a problem to make it easier

17 votes

Examples of using physical intuition to solve math problems

16 votes

A single paper everyone should read?

14 votes

Bizarre operation on polynomials

13 votes

Fundamental Examples

13 votes

Cures for mathematician's block (as in writer's block)

13 votes

Do convolution and multiplication satisfy any nontrivial algebraic identities?

12 votes

Why is it so cool to square numbers (in terms of finding the standard deviation)?

11 votes

Finding minimal or canonical expressions for Boolean truth tables

11 votes

The application of Lanczos Algorithm on sparse matrix

11 votes

cardinal equivalence: for each boolean formula, |quantifications| = |assignments|.

9 votes

Reporting all faces in a planar graph