Why is it not possible to define the necessity operator internally $\Box: \Omega \to \Omega$ in a topos?
Could you clarify what is $p$, please?
control of bifurcation in dynamical system by using normal form and feedback
Corrected an egregious misspelling
Interpreting Yoneda as reducing categorical dimension
I was going to say that maybe "completeness theorems" or "embedding theorems" (for statements in 2-category theory) might be useful buzzphrases. But now I don't know whether you'll see this comment -- you deleted too quickly for me to insert this comment in time.
About the characterization of categories of model of algebraic theories
It seems that Borceux is probably basing himself on Linton, F.E.J. (1966). Some Aspects of Equational Categories. In: Eilenberg, S., Harrison, D.K., MacLane, S., Röhrl, H. (eds) Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg., but with a slight difference in formulation. I'll try to track down what is going on here (although you might beat me to it).
Interpreting Yoneda as reducing categorical dimension
Like varkor, I'm also feeling internal resistance to how you're using "internal language", and maybe even more resistance to "interpretation of the language of ZF". which is single-sorted with a single binary predicate $\in$. But it sounds like maybe you want embedding/completeness theorems in the 2-categorical context. So for example, in the 1-categorical context, to prove a general statement about finite limits, it suffices to prove it for Set, since we have the Yoneda embedding which is fully faithful and left exact, to do the remaining work.
Order on Euclidean space in which a finite poset embeds
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The generating series of the weighted species of fixpoints
@PietroMajer Thanks for this! You never know when this stuff will come in handy. Jim Stasheff (…) told a story once: "but the worst was: i had picked up the math expression `to bugger a construction’ while at Princeton and used it in a lecture in Oxford with JHCW in the audience. He felt compelled to explain to me in Latin! the British meaning" (I guess you know, that's J.H.C. Whitehead).
How to know if a random natural number is a probable semiprime?
composite --> divisor
Inverse square-law as a positive definite kernel?
Dear Professor Saitoh (or anyone else who has looked into the subject matter): could you please be more specific, either by quoting the precise result, or by pointing to a paragraph that gives examples of what the OP is after?
Non-homeomorphic connected $T_2$-spaces with isomorphic topology poset
I'm very curious as to why someone downvoted this.
A property of the distribution related to stochastic ordering
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Alternative proofs of Euclid-Euler theorem
My position is to keep that chat in place for the historical record. Moving forward, please keep in mind the norms that have developed over the history of this site, which before 2013 was not part of the SE network. If you ask a question and then decide to answer with something you had in mind all along, hitting the CW button would probably go a good distance in maintaining good will with the community, especially if you recognize and support other answers that contain insights you hadn't considered.
Alternative proofs of Euclid-Euler theorem
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Proof $\pi$ is transcendental without symmetric function theory
As someone with a liking for symmetric function theory, you've managed to make me want to look (again) at the traditional proof!
Existence of prime ideals and Axiom of Choice.
@NoahSchweber Thank you so much for the information!
Existence of prime ideals and Axiom of Choice.
scrapped the earlier, ridiculously contorted argument; made CW
Existence of prime ideals and Axiom of Choice.
@Kapil Coming back to this after 8 years, I would tell my past self to discard this absurdly contorted argument (and I may do just that: delete the post, or completely rewrite it). Asaf was right. Just enumerate the elements $a_1, a_2, \ldots$, and build a maximal ideal $P$ by taking the union of ideals $P_n$ where $P_0 = \{0\}$, defining $P_n = P_{n-1} + \langle a_n\rangle$ if this is proper, else defining $P_n = P_{n-1}$.
Are there any undergraduate-friendly research areas in algebra?
I entirely agree with Andy. Why the rush to do write research papers so soon? I would start just by learning reams of mathematics, and let the discovery of what really grabs you occur naturally and organically. (And get to know a lot of mathematicians to boot.) Another avenue, which I believe is practiced at U Chicago (and Harvard in the past and maybe still now) is the senior paper where learns a nontrivial subject deeply to the point of being able to write a beautiful exposition of it.