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macbeth's user avatar
macbeth's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 3 months
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1 vote

Non-affine, projective vector field on $\mathbb{R}^n$

8 votes

What are some results in mathematics that have snappy proofs using model theory?

0 votes

Is this subset of matrices contractible inside the space of non-conformal matrices?

4 votes

Kronheimer's results on ALE spaces as hyperkahler quotients

6 votes

Ricci Curvature on Grassmannian

3 votes

Volume form under holomorphic automorphisms

4 votes

Laplacian spectrum asymptotics in neck stretching

17 votes

Is the metric completion of a Riemannian manifold always a geodesic space?

1 vote

Minimizing geodesics in incomplete Riemannian manifolds

3 votes

Differentiating Riemannian logarithmic map

7 votes

Eigenvalues of Laplace operator

2 votes

Submanifolds of $\mathbb{R}^N$ whose local charts have uniformly bounded derivatives

1 vote

symplectic form on an algebraic family

8 votes

Derivative of the flow for ODEs on manifolds

2 votes

Bimeromorphic equivalence of reduced spaces for Kähler $S^1$-actions

2 votes

How to find isothermal coordinates equivalent to circles in far limit?

9 votes

Aubin's book - construction of Green's function on compact manifold

9 votes

Constant scalar curvature metrics in a conformal class

17 votes

On a compact manifold, what kind of function can be the Jacobian of a diffeomorphism?

6 votes

Vocabulary of 19th Century analytic projective geometry: What are "order" and "dimension"?

2 votes

Cayley-Menger Curvature and "Flatness" for inscribed simplices in hypersurface

5 votes

Riemann surfaces with bounded curvature

4 votes

The conformal group of $S^n$.

9 votes

Defining Quotient Bundles

4 votes

Parallel translation in Lie groups

4 votes

What is an immersed submanifold?

2 votes

When does local invertibility imply invertibility?