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Jared Weinstein's user avatar
Jared Weinstein
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
41 votes

Etale cohomology and l-adic Tate modules

36 votes

What is the L-function version of quadratic reciprocity?

23 votes

Deligne's letter to Piatetskii-Shapiro from 1973

20 votes

"Purely local" proof of local Langlands

20 votes

What's the "best" proof of quadratic reciprocity?

15 votes

modular eigenforms with integral coefficients [Maeda's Conjecture]

13 votes

How to get explicit unramified covers of an elliptic curve?

12 votes

Torsion points in Abelian varieties over number fields

11 votes

Geometric construction of depth zero local Langlands correspondence

9 votes

Riemann's $\zeta$ function and the uniform distribution on $[-1,0]$

9 votes

etale fundamental group and etale cohomology of curves

7 votes

How do you explicitly compute the p-torsion points on a general elliptic curve in Weierstrass form?

7 votes

SL(2,Z/N)-decomposition of space of cusp forms for Gamma(N)

7 votes

examples of admissible representations of $GL_{n}(K)$ over p-adic field

7 votes

Explicit computations of small Deligne-Lusztig varieties (e.g. Drinfeld curve)

4 votes

What is the base change in number theory?

3 votes

Locally profinite fields ?

3 votes

p-adic representations of a quaternion algebra over a local field