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abcdxyz's user avatar
abcdxyz's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
37 votes

Which mathematicians have influenced you the most?

27 votes

Famous mathematical quotes

4 votes

What is the definition of "canonical"?

4 votes

Most 'unintuitive' application of the Axiom of Choice?

4 votes

Is there a formal notion of what we do when we 'Let X be ...'?

3 votes

Completion of the rationals to the reals as an inverse limit construction?

2 votes

In what sense Fraissean view point shows Model Theory can be done without any formal syntax and deduction rule?

2 votes

To what extent is it true that "number theory = mathematics"?

1 vote

What assumptions and methodology do metaproofs of logic theorems use and employ?

1 vote

Is it necessary that model of theory is a set?

1 vote

A question about sigma-ring