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Henry.L's user avatar
Henry.L's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
2 votes

Does maximizing $D_u$ imply stochastic ordering?

2 votes

Is this generalization bound proof wrong?

2 votes

Reference request: Original source of Yosida approximation

2 votes

Are there examples of functions with Nesterov's convergence bound between convex quadratic and strongly convex cases?

2 votes

Lower bound on number of samples for an epsilon delta approximation matching the Chernoff bound

2 votes

Constructive approximation of Hölder functions using kernel functions

2 votes

Norm bounds on spectral variation and eigenvalue variation

2 votes

Median and mean of the sample mean of i.i.d. log-normal

2 votes

Distribution of the maximum of the norm of k-averages of n i.i.d. d-dimensional random vectors

1 vote

Need help with a model, Whatsapp data analysis

1 vote

Table with the most seated customers in Chinese restaurant process

1 vote

Difference of hypoexponential distributions

1 vote

A question about Gaussian Processes suprema

1 vote

Expected value of Bernoulli quadratic forms

1 vote

Order of independent random variables

1 vote

Order statistic of Markov chain sample path and related probabilities

1 vote

Extension of Gordon's comparison inequality to subgaussian processes?

1 vote

What is known about the PDFs for the $\ell^2$-norm of these multivariate distributions?

1 vote

Second moment of cos(x,y) for Normal x,y?

1 vote

Multivariate Zero-Bias Transform

1 vote

Sampling from a particular multivariate probability distribution

1 vote

Is there a name for this quantity between two distributions?

1 vote

Stein's Lemma for Discrete Distribution

1 vote

Alternative undergraduate analysis texts

1 vote

Is every bornological space measurable?

1 vote

H^d[U(1)^n,U(1)] of the Borel cohomology and Chern-Simons theory

1 vote

Theorems that are 'obvious' but hard to prove

1 vote

Flatness and tensor product of rings

1 vote

Solution to semilinear heat equation at $t=0$: $u_t(0,x) - \Delta u(0,x) + f(x,u,u_x)= 0 \ ?$

1 vote

Can we find an Stein operator characterizing a distribution without density function?