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  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
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56 votes

Mathematical "urban legends"

50 votes

Can non-homeomorphic spaces have homeomorphic squares?

49 votes

What universities have laid off tenured math faculty for financial reasons?

46 votes

Mathematical "urban legends"

43 votes

Your favorite surprising connections in mathematics

40 votes

Math puzzles for dinner

36 votes

Analytic tools in algebraic geometry

35 votes

What are some open problems in algebraic geometry?

34 votes

Why do so many textbooks have so much technical detail and so little enlightenment?

30 votes

How has modern algebraic geometry affected other areas of math?

28 votes

Famous mathematicians with background in arts/humanities/law etc

28 votes

Mathematical "urban legends"

23 votes

Facts from algebraic geometry that are useful to non-algebraic geometers

20 votes

(Co)homology of the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces K(G,n)

20 votes

Are the stiefel-Whitney classes of the tangent bundle determined by the mod 2 cohomology?

20 votes

If the total Chern class of a vector bundle factors, does it have a sub-bundle?

19 votes

Can a Lie group as an abstract group be given more than one topology making it a Lie group?

19 votes

What are some of the big open problems in 3-manifold theory?

19 votes

Non-stably trivial bundle with trivial characteristic classes

18 votes

On the fundamental group of hypersurfaces

18 votes

Multiplicativity of Euler characteristic for non-orientable fibrations

17 votes

Grassmannian bundle theorem

17 votes

Classification problem for non-compact manifolds

16 votes

Rolle's theorem in n dimensions

16 votes

Is there a complex structure on the 6-sphere?

16 votes

Why is cotangent more canonical than tangent?

16 votes

Birational invariants and fundamental groups

16 votes

How to prove that a projective variety is a finite CW complex?

16 votes

singular homology of a differential manifold

16 votes

How do professional mathematicians learn new things?

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