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While it does answer my question, my actual problem is I don't understand what my construction actually gives if not affine schemes. Over affine schemes it obviously holds, what happens more generally?
This is exactly what I wanted thanks.The part with $Aut(P)$ was me incorrectly involving the global gauge group in the discussion. Thanks! Where would you recommend to read about all this homotopical algebraic perspective on fibre bundles?
whis was very helpful, thanks. One thing still bugs me though. Suppose I choose a connection for the bundle classified by $f$. This connection gives a holonomy representation $\Omega X \to Aut(P) \subset G$ into the gauge group of the bundle. What's the relation, if there's any at all, between this map and map $\Omega f : \Omega X \to G$? (I know the second map is unique only upto homotopy but stil...)
Thanks! What's the name of the "theory" that concerns itself with the kind of "topological monodromy" i'm talking about? Just so I could find my way in the literature