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This seems to give me uniqueness if I have a derivation, however, am I correct that one can always extend an appropriate function $d : X\to A$ to a derivation? By "appropriate", the function should respect the defining relations of the algebra $A$ in some way correct?
Yes, Adrien, you are absolutely correct. Sorry for the dumb question! I was caught up in the context and was not thinking very clearly. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you Adrien for clarifying. If I may, I'm trying to fill in some background as I go. Where does the the assignment $q^{a} = \sum\frac{log(q)^{n}a^{n}}{n!}$ come from?
Thanks for the reply. That makes sense, and it seems easy if one starts with the result and then recovers the appropriate relation, but what what would be the process of arriving at $KX = q^{2}XK$ just starting from $[H,X] = 2X$?