functors unique up to self-equivalence of the source category
Thank you! I hoped for something like this. Now, the second part of my question: is there an example of something natural, an object of CAT/T, defined up to this equivalence ? That is, where it is important that you consider this equivalence rather then something stronger...But perhaps it is better stated as a separate question.
functors unique up to self-equivalence of the source category
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functors unique up to self-equivalence of the source category
Todd Timple: I am interested in the relation between functors : two functors H:S-->T and H':S-->T are "weakly equivalent" iff there is a self-equivalence s:S-->S such that H and $H'\circ s$ are equivalent. I wanted to ask whether there is a higher category theoretic view on this relation between functors? And I wanted to see an example of a class of functors where any two functors are weakly equivalent for non-trivial reasons; in other words, a theorem claiming that functors with certain properties are necessarily weakly equivalent. I shall update the question accordingly..Thank you!
functors unique up to self-equivalence of the source category
Todd Trimble: yes, that is what I mean....But I removed the sentence your comment refers to.
functors unique up to self-equivalence of the source category
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functors unique up to self-equivalence of the source category
Thanks for your comments. Then I shall just remove the opening sentence: it seems rather to confuse than clarify....Does the second paragraph seems unclear as well ?
comparing Hodge structures on cohomology of conjugate varieties
Thank you! Are there any references where people discuss this sort of questions in detail?
comparing Hodge structures on cohomology of conjugate varieties
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comparing Hodge structures on cohomology of conjugate varieties
Will Sawin: what does it mean 'the structure factors through the automorphism' $\sigma$ ; in what sense ? Then I am still confused whether Hodge numbers are preserved...
comparing Hodge structures on cohomology of conjugate varieties
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comparing Hodge structures on cohomology of conjugate varieties
maybe this is just a confusion/silliness on my part, I admit...
comparing Hodge structures on cohomology of conjugate varieties
Jason Starr: what is the answer to that part ? Do you mean to say that $dim_C H^a(X,Ω^b_X)$ is a definition of these numbers in algebraic de Rham cohomology ?
If you were to axiomatize the notion of entropy
@Mahdi: be aware that the paper gets updated from time to time so you need to check to find the most recent version (10 july as of now)...also, at the very end itmentions a result of Esnault-Viehweg ("Such ”rank inequalities” are reminiscent of inequalities for spaces of sections and (cohomologies in general) of positive vector bundles such e.g. as in the Khovanski-Teissier theorem and in the Esnault-Viehweg proof of the sharpened Dyson-Roth lemma, but a direct link is yet to be found") which appears close to your interests.
Music: mathematical point of view (revised)
Are there (online) samples of music generated with the category theoretic techniques from the book?