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Simon Henry
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
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Explicit description of a topos of sheaves on an internal boolean algebra
There is a general process given a site (C,J) for a topos T and an internal site (D,K) in T to build an external site for the category of internal sheaves. the category is the Grothendieck construction for D seen as a functor C^op \to cat, and the topology is generated from K and J. I'm sure this is in the literature, very likely in the elephant, but I don't remember exactly where, but I'd start looking around where fibration of sites are discussed.
Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?
@HenrikRüping That way I think about it is that because of Stone duality, $C(\text{LimProj} A_i, 2) = \text{LimInd} C(A_i,2)$ (where on the left we have a projective limite of stone space and the right an inductive limit of boolean algebras) so if $X$ is pro-finite, them $C(X,2)$ is "Ind-finite" (so, discrete). ( of course, we need to check that the above is indeed a homomorphism and not just a bijection, which might be the part you find unintuitive).
Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?
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Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?
added 1829 characters in body
Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?
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Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?
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Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?
Sorry, I misread, I thought you were assuming $X$ was compact.
Is $C(X, \{0,1\})$ locally compact?
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Is there a reasoned derivation of the coherence conditions for symmetric rig categories?
Related comment: Badzioch has shown in that weak model of a (1-categorical) Lawvere theory in Spaces are all equivalent to strict ones. In short, you don't want to take a Lawvere theory which is a 1-category: maps in the theory will always corresponds to maps between free models and free rigs are not set truncated.
Is there a reasoned derivation of the coherence conditions for symmetric rig categories?
@JohnBaez higher categorical Lawvere theory works the same as 1-categorical ones: if you define a higher lawvere theory as say an $(\infty,1)$-category $C$ with finite products ans whose objects are all the finite power $O^n$ for some fixed $O$, a Model of $C$ to be a (weakly) product preserving functor $C \to Spaces$, then the initial model of $C$ is the representable at $O^0$ (and more generally the free model on n-generator is the representable at $O^n$). In particular if $C$ happen to be a $1$-category, its free models are set-truncated.
Is there a reasoned derivation of the coherence conditions for symmetric rig categories?
The correct conjecture probably involves a "2-"Lawvere theory whose morphisms are polynomial functor (and 2-cells natural isomorphism). But maybe this is what you mean when you talk about rigs in Cat?
Is there a reasoned derivation of the coherence conditions for symmetric rig categories?
Unless I'm missing something, That conjecture is false. The initial weak model is just the initial rig, so N, but I assume the initial symmetric rig category is the category of finite sets
$(\infty,n)$ categories as fibrant objects in a model “space”
You'll find a general overview on theta spaces and lots of references here : in short they are a generalisation of Segal spaces that provide a model for $(\infty,n)$-categories.
$(\infty,n)$ categories as fibrant objects in a model “space”
Segal spaces are another model for $(\infty,1)$-category, this time using simplicial spaces instead of simplicial sets ( so bi-simplicial sets). Not a model of $(\infty,n)$ or $(\infty,\infty)$. They are however easier to generalise to $(\infty,n)$ or $(\infty,\infty)$ than quasicategories (using either $\Theta$-spaces, or iterated Segal spaces).
When is the category of sheaves on a site compactly assembled/a continuous category?
I absolutely agree that someone might have a better answer. I did spend some time trying to find one a few years ago unsuccessfully, but I wouldn't rule out someone else did better.