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  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
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The speed of gravitational waves in general relativity
@PhilHarmsworth Would you have a pdf or image of that article available? Very interested to read, but cannot locate.
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
If it follows from Besicovitch (eg. then i dont see how, especially if $U$ is an open subset of small volume (possibly countably infinite genus in two dimensions).
How many cells needed to build the classifying space $BG$?
@JensReinhold The Heisenberg manifold (compact three dimensional nilmanifold) does not satisfy your binomial coefficient bound. Compare Pete L. Clark's answer More generally, you should compare your binomial coefficient bound with the Toral Rank Conjecture. Manifolds with $M^n$ with toral rank $<n$ are likely going to be counterexamples to your $nCj$ lower bound.
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
Preferably any proof of Sponge Problem would make no appeals to width-volume inequalities (since Guth's motivation for Sponge Problem was to find new independant proof of Gromov's width-volume inequalities). I should have made this clear in the question. Do you know of elementary proof that $U$ can be partitioned into relative cycles of diameter $<100 \sqrt{\epsilon}$ (or $100^{100^{100}}\sqrt{\epsilon}$) in dimension two?
How many cells needed to build the classifying space $BG$?
Evenmore explicit geometric $BG$ models from geometric topology (arithmetic, knots, surface groups, etc) are typically neither minimal nor simplicial. An exception is the well-rounded retract model $W=W_n$ of $PGL(\mathbb{Z}^n)\backslash PGL(\mathbb{R}^n)/SO(n)$, consisting of all flat $n$-dimensional tori whose $1$-systoles generate $\mathbb{Q}^n$ in rational homology. Here the cells are naturally parameterized by certain collections of simple closed curves on the torus. But the $G$-orbits of these collections is equivalent to the explicit $\mathbb{Z}G$-module structure of $\mathbb{D}$.
How many cells needed to build the classifying space $BG$?
$G=\mathbb{Z}^n$ is exceptional in that the minimal $BG$ model is a compact orientable manifold, and therefore satisfies Poincare duality, Morse inequalities, etc., and in which Lusternick-Schnirelmann category is well studied. But in most cases, especially if $G$ is a Bieri-Eckmann duality group with dualizing $\mathbb{Z}G$-module $\mathbb{D}$ concentrated at a homological dimension $\nu>0$, then i don't think anybody knows how to count cells of any $BG$ model, nevermind the minimal $BG$ models which are no longer manifolds but necessarily singular topological objects.
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
@ArseniyAkopyan No, I don't know how. But would such an open set be any different from the disk? (If I connected them by roads, my roads would fill the disk). Do you have an image/picture of what your roads would look like?
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
Reportedly there exist "rigid/jammed" packings of arbitrarily low density, but the articles are behind degruyter paywall.…. If these novel packings N are *incompressible" then maybe $\epsilon^*$ is zero.
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
edited. added @Balarka observations.
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
@BalarkaSen Yes!, i think your comment contains a nice improvement of $\epsilon^*$. If we replace any open set $U$ with an Apollonian packing $A$ of itself of minimal volume, then $vol(A)<vol(U)$ and $U$ e-embeds into $D$ iff $A$ e-embeds into $D$. So replacing the two kissing disks with an apollonian packing of minimal volume would improve $\epsilon^*$ by some factor.
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
Annuli appear to be no different than rectangles (with respect to e-embeddings), but I don't have a precise criterion for which rectangles e-embed into $D$ (except volume and disjoint disks). All this sponge stuff appears to have begun with Ya. Barzdin and A. Kolmogorov. On realization of nets in 3-dimensional space. Problems of Cybernetics, 19:261–268, 1967. But I have not studied that paper. Some introduction can be found in last chapter of P.G.Adey's thesis .
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
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Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
If reference disk $D$ has radius $r=1$, then the kissing disks have radius $r_1=r_2=1/2$. The interiors of the kissing disks are disjoint, and can be embedded into $D$, but every arbitrarily small $\epsilon$-thickening of $D_1 \cup D_2$, or pair of kissing disks of radius $r_1=r_2=1/2+\epsilon$ cannot be expanded embedded into $D$.
Status of Larry Guth's Sponge Problem
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