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Dror Speiser
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
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Should computer code be included within publications that present numerical results?
Why specifically github? Anyone sharing code must have a github account and use git?
Maximum Magnitude Deviation between DFT and DTFT
Nice! I find it remarkable that, though the question is intended for signal processing purposes, Gronwall was tightening a bound of Landau that was used to study a number theory problem, namely about what are now called Fekete polynomials, that come up while studying class numbers of quadratic fields. (See reference in loc. cit.)
Maximum Magnitude Deviation between DFT and DTFT
I find this question to be interesting, though the subject matter is not my field of expertise. But I do have two things to report on, both from Montgomery's paper An Exponential Polynomial Formed with the Lagrange Symbol: 1. the Fekete polynomials give a lower bound $\gamma>2\log\log n/\pi$, so there's no uniform constant $\gamma$. 2. as Montgomery writes, Bernstein's inequality give a bound in terms of "a higher sampling rate", i.e. the polynomial evaluated at roots of unity of higher order. He doesn't prove the bound in the paper, but I think it works for all real polynomials.
Maximum Magnitude Deviation between DFT and DTFT
WLOG scale so that the norm is 1, and then we have the inequalities $1/\sqrt{N}\le m_d\le m_c \le 1$. So at the least you can take $\gamma=\sqrt{N}$. Since at each of the inequalities we must have $m_c=m_d$, I'm guessing there's a much better bound...
Stronger versions of Wilson's Theorem
A naive application of the abc conjecture gives $v_p((p-1)!+1)=o(p)$.
Factoring polynomials over the abelian closure of the rationals
For each irreducible factor $g|f$ you can compute and factor the discriminant, giving you constraints on the possible $n$ for which $g$ factorizes over $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)$.
$p$-adic sums of $p$ terms
@Julian: factorials can be computed in square root time using fast polynomial evaluation, so the binomial coefficient identity gives a $O(\sqrt{p})$ algorithm :) My guess is that this can be achieved for general rational functions.
Is there a "purely algebraic" proof of the finiteness of the class number?
Note that the theorem in Kaplansky's seems to only need torsion, so the above suffices for the intended application.
What is $\mathbb{Q}_1$, the "field of $1$-adic numbers"?
Would be cool if the answer satisfies an analogue of the Fontaine-Winterberger galois group isomorphism :P
a question on Deligne-Lusztig characters
This is also false for $\theta_{10} $, Srinivasen's Sp(4,q) cuspidal unipotent representation. See, for example, Aubert's Complex Modular Representations of the Group Sp(4,q). It appears in two Deligne-Lusztig characters, both of which are composed of more than two irreducible representations, and in both there's a mixture of plus and minus signs. I'm pretty sure this is a minimal example with respect to rank.
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