Russ Woodroofe's user avatar
Russ Woodroofe's user avatar
Russ Woodroofe's user avatar
Russ Woodroofe
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
17 votes

Testing simplicial complexes for shellability

17 votes

Motivation for Frankl's conjecture?

15 votes

Another colored balls puzzle

14 votes

A group-theoretic perspective on Frankl's union closed problem

12 votes

Product of Frattini Groups

10 votes

What is the Möbius function for the lattice of partial partitions?

10 votes

matroids axioms and independence system

9 votes

Riemann Hypothesis, Primes and Groups

9 votes

Time-saving (technology) tricks for writing papers

8 votes

Making spheres shellable

7 votes

Computer-aided homology computations

7 votes

Does homotopy equivalence to a wedge of spheres imply shellability?

7 votes

Homotopy type of non-Cohen-Macaulay complexes

6 votes

Does the hypergraph of subgroups determine a group?

6 votes

Shellable simplicial complex with restriction on shellings

6 votes

Factor subsets of a finite group

6 votes

Is there an analog of Sperner's lemma for the Hopf invariant?

6 votes

Does every simplicial polytope have a topology-preserving contractible edge?

6 votes

Missing citations of "to appear" papers on MathSciNet

6 votes

Important formulas in combinatorics

5 votes

Generating finite simple groups with $2$ elements

5 votes

Generating random finite groups

5 votes

Characterising extendable automorphisms

5 votes

Flag complexes that are shellable but not vertex decomposable

5 votes

Examples of interesting false proofs

5 votes

maximal subgroups of finite simple groups

5 votes

Is the topological concept of collapsible useful?

5 votes

Reference request on Leray numbers

5 votes

Is an Eulerian lattice shellable?

5 votes

How does the high-dimensional combinatorial Laplacian work?