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Unfortunately, the acronym ZFA is ambiguous, since some people mean set theory with atoms i.e. urelements, and some people mean set theory with antifoundation AFA. In the atomic case, it is also ambiguous about whether collection+separation is included, or merely replacement, and whether there is a predicate for being an atom or whether they are indiscernible with the empty set.
It seems delicate to interpret ZFC in your theory, since the interpreted model will have Dedekind infinite sets, but to prevent those sets from giving rise to actual Dedekind infinite sets will mean that the interpretation must be using an equivalence relation (i.e. interpreting = nontrivially).
Interpreting ZFC is equivalent to interpreting ZFC+V=L, since L is definable in ZFC and so every interpreted model of ZFC also interprets a model of ZFC+V=L. Your theory doesn't seem to have its own L (unless this is really what you are asking?), so I think the L angle of your second question is irrelevant.