Finding the octonionic analog of the K3 surface, via (almost) hyperkahler geometry?
You're right. My manifold is only almost hyperkahler. I edited the question, but this makes it less likely that someone has seen this manifold "in the wild".
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
It would be nice if there was a construction of this manifold that didn't require knowing a priori that $bP_8 = \mathbb{Z}/28$. I was hoping to use this manifold to prove that $240 \sigma = 0$, but since the computation that $bP_8 = \mathbb{Z}/28$ presupposes $\pi_7^{st} = \mathbb{Z}/240$, this is circular reasoning.
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
That is a great way to see that $p_1$ is trivial! Thanks @TomMrowka btw it was your beautiful answer on the linked MO question that got me thinking along these lines. I will accept this answer, but I still think it is 7 copies of $S^4 \times S^4$ that are needed. If I am doing things right the first half of the construction (the 28 Milnor plumbings + cap) has $\chi = 8 *28 + 2 = 226$ while the connect sum of 8 $S^4 \times S^4$s has $\chi = 8 *2 +2 = 18$. The connect sum of these two parts then has $\chi(M) = 226 + 18 - 2 = 242$. If you use 7 $S^4 \times S^4$s, you get 240 instead.
Does the classification diagram localize a category with weak equivalences?
The Barwick-Kan model structure on relative categories is lifted from bisimplicial sets using the functor $N_\xi$. So $N_\xi$ (and hence $N$) is automatically a relative functor (aka homotopical). It preserves all weak equivalences (not just between fibrant objects). In fact that is how the weak equivalences between relative categories are defined.
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
( I meant $L$ is a bundle on $\mathbb{OP}^1$, not $\mathbb{OP}^2$)
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
Then if we blow up those 256 points using $Y$, we get a manifold $M$ with $\chi(M) = 256 y - 128$. But then 240 is not an integer solution to this equation. So any Kummer-esque construction is going to have to be more involved.
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
@DylanWilson I thought about that a little. If we just proceed naively and take the abelian group $T^8$ modulo $a \mapsto -a$ then we get a singular (orbifold) quotient with $2^8 = 256$ singular points. If we cut out balls in a neighborhood of each of these points we get a space $W$ with $\chi(W) = -256/2 = -128$ and $\partial W =$ 256 copies of $\mathbb{RP}^7$. I am not sure how to resolve the singularities. We must choose a manifold $Y$ with boundary $\mathbb{RP}^7$. Let $y = \chi(Y)$ be its Euler characteristic. (cont)
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
Also for others who might read this and be confused like I was, one key point is that for this bundle L on $\mathbb{OP}^2$, we have $e(L)$ is the generator but $p_2(L) = 6 e(L)$. This follows from the calculation that the map $S^8 \to BSO$ which is the generator in $\pi_8$ induces multiplication by 6 in cohomology (generated by $p_2$ on the RHS). This is also why on String manifolds there is a $p_2/6$ class.
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
This is really really great, thank you! I have lots of questions. When you say the Milnor pluming, I take it you mean the pluming on the $E_8$-graph, yes? I am confused about two points. The first is: did you really mean 8 copies of $S^4 \times S^4$? or did you mean 7 copies? When I tried to compute the Euler characteristic of M I am off by 2, which could mean I made an arithmetic mistake, or that we really want 7 copies. More importantly, I see how the argument works if we know that $p_1(TM) = 0$. Can you remind me how we can see that?
Is there an octonionic analog of the K3 surface, with implications for stable homotopy groups of spheres?
The Octionions $\mathbb{O}$, viewed as an 8-manifold, admit the kind of structure I have in mind, as does the 8-torus $T^8 = \mathbb{O}/ \Lambda$, or any (unstably) framed 8-manifold. Also the tautological rank eight bundle on $\mathbb{OP}^1 = S^8$ is also a vector bundle with this sort of structure. They are associated to "$GL_1(\mathbb{O})$-principal bundles" where $GL_1(\mathbb{O})$ is a "non-associative Lie group". This makes sense since each of these bundles admits a trivialization over a cover with no non-trivial triple intersections (so associativity doesn't factor into it).
Does the (singular)cohomology of any acyclic spectrum vanish?
Thanks @JesperGrodal, does this mean that this category SH/acyclic is blind to $v_n$-periodic phenomena?
Does the (singular)cohomology of any acyclic spectrum vanish?
What is the easiest example of an acyclic spectrum? I thought there is a stable Whitehead theorem which says that all such spectra are contractible? Maybe that is just for connective spectra? or I am being stupid?