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Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
Chris Schommer-Pries
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Notre Dame, IN, United States
Arf-Brown-Kervaire invariant and a surjective map $G \to Pin^-$
What restrictions do you place on the G? For example let $G = Spin \times_{Pin^-} P(Pin^-)$ where $P(H)$ is the free path space on $H$ with pointwise multiplication. The fiber product uses restriction to one end of a path. Restriction to the other end of the path gives a surjective homomorphism from $G$ to $Pin^-$. But $G \simeq Spin$ and so $G$-bordism is the same as $Spin$-bordism.
Is there a PL, or topological, bordism hypothesis?
And the identity functor (thought of as an ETQFT with an unusual target) gives an example which DOES distinguish these exotic spheres.
Is there a PL, or topological, bordism hypothesis?
@ManuelBärenz A PL-framing of S^7 includes (up to contractible choices) the data of a smooth structure and a smooth framing of the resulting (exotic) smooth S^7. You can think of it this way: a PL-framing is a lift of the tangent microbundle map from BPL(7) to a contractible space (e.g. EPL(7)). A smooth structure is a lift to from BPL(7) to BO(7), and a smooth framing is a further lift to a contractible space. So they are the same! PL-framed $S^7$s corresponding to distinct framed exotic $S^7$s are already distinct in the PL-framed bordism category (since the cats are equivalent).
Obstruction Theory for Vector Bundles and Connections
I think being a flat bundle is a stronger property than being pulled back from $P_{\leq 1}X$. For example take $X$ to be the torus (or any genus $g$ surface with $g\geq1$). Then $X = P_{\leq 1}X$ agrees with its Postnikov truncation. So every vector bundle is a pulled-back bundle. However line bundles corresponding to non-trivial elements of $H^2(X, \mathbb{Z}) =\mathbb{Z}$ will have non-trivial first Chern class, and hence are not flat.
Equivariant handle decompositions
When $M=S^n$ is a sphere, then the space of orientation preserving homeomorphism is arc connected. In this case $G \to \textrm{Homeo}^+(M)/\textrm{homotopy} = pt$ seems to be no data at all? Is that really what you mean?
$\infty$-operads and $E_\infty$-algebras
A related question: in what ways are non-comm. rings ($E_1$-algs) useful to an algebraic geometer? While there are places that non-comm rings appear (Brauer groups come to mind) an argument can be made that the field of non-comm rings is mostly concerned with things disjoint from the concerns of algebraic geometry. The $E_k$-operads interpolate between assoc ($E_1$) to "comm" ($E_\infty$), so you should expect a similar relationship. There are places where they show up (analogs of Brauer groups, the Deligne conjecture, deformations, etc), but mostly they are separate from the core concerns.
Kan condition for bar construction
If C=Sets and T is the monoid for pointed sets, and $A=(A,a_0)$, then the Bar construction, as a simplicial set, is the union of $A \times \Delta[0]$ (i.e. const. simp. set on A) with $\Delta[1]$ along $\Delta[0]$ identified as $a_0 \in A$. It is not Kan, but it is a quasicategory.
Has the structure of the 2-dimensional pin$^{\pm}$ bordism categories been written down?
As far as I know this has not appeared in the literature in either the extended or nonextended cases.
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