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Alicia Garcia-Raboso's user avatar
Alicia Garcia-Raboso's user avatar
Alicia Garcia-Raboso
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
66 votes

Old books still used

55 votes

Old books still used

45 votes

books well-motivated with explicit examples

24 votes

Categorical construction of the category of schemes?

23 votes

Books about history of recent mathematics

23 votes

Why are so few operations with arity bigger than 2?

19 votes

Why is the rank of a locally free sheaf well-defined?

19 votes

Definition of étale for rings

18 votes

Examples of Mixed Hodge Structures

11 votes

books well-motivated with explicit examples

11 votes

Local complete intersections which are not complete intersections

10 votes

Kahler differentials and Ordinary Differentials

9 votes

Do you read the masters?

9 votes

Explicit description of a fibered category

9 votes

What is the Zariski topology good/bad for?

9 votes

Is the Kähler cone of a toric variety always simplicial?

8 votes

Any good reference for Tits Building?

8 votes

books well-motivated with explicit examples

7 votes

finding the closure when blowing a variety at a singularity

7 votes

Examples of divisors on an analytical manifold

7 votes

Model for the (infinity,1)-category of (homotopy-)limit preserving functors

6 votes

Homomorphism between exterior powers of a free module of finite rank

6 votes

Good introductory references on algebraic stacks?

6 votes

Must the left and right unitors of a monoidal category coincide at the neutral object?

6 votes

Colimits of manifolds

5 votes

Exercises in Lie group theory for physics

5 votes

Hypercohomology of a complex via Cech cohomology

5 votes

Maps between classifying spaces

4 votes

the monomial orders can be extended?

4 votes

Learning Algebra & Group Theory on my own