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Neel Krishnaswami's user avatar
Neel Krishnaswami
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
87 votes

Which mathematical ideas have done most to change history?

65 votes

Is there any formal foundation to ultrafinitism?

57 votes

Is there an introduction to probability theory from a structuralist/categorical perspective?

41 votes

Presburger Arithmetic

33 votes

The unification of Mathematics via Topos Theory

31 votes

What is Realistic Mathematics?

31 votes

How do they verify a verifier of formalized proofs?

31 votes

A programming language that can only create algorithms with polynomial runtime?

23 votes

Has decidability got something to do with primes?

23 votes

How do proof verifiers work?

22 votes

Community experiences writing Lamport's structured proofs

21 votes

[solved] sequent calculus as programming language

21 votes

Are real numbers countable in constructive mathematics?

21 votes

Proof assistants for mathematics

20 votes

Proof strength of Calculus of (Inductive) Constructions

18 votes

Can we disallow finite choice?

17 votes

Is there any relationship between Bourbaki's Epsilon Calculus and Lambda Calculus? Is $\lambda x$ the same as $\tau_x$?

16 votes

Is there a category of non-well-founded sets?

16 votes

Logic in mathematics and philosophy

15 votes

Do you know any good introductory resource on sequent calculus?

13 votes

"Linked List" puzzle

12 votes

The use of the word "model" in Mathematical Logic vs the same word in Natural Sciences

12 votes

How to present mathematics to non-mathematicians?

12 votes

Basic software libraries for numerical analysis using modern programming languages?

12 votes

Uses of bisimulation outside of computer science.

12 votes

Any example of a non-strong monad?

11 votes

Are rings really more fundamental objects than semi-rings?

11 votes

Strengthening the induction hypothesis

11 votes

Why are universal introduction and existential elimination valid inference rules?

10 votes

Were Bourbaki committed to set-theoretical reductionism?