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Neel Krishnaswami's user avatar
Neel Krishnaswami's user avatar
Neel Krishnaswami
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

Is functional programming a branch of mathematics?

10 votes


9 votes

Can a typing judgment admit essentially different derivations?

9 votes

How to optimize student happiness in group work?

8 votes

Using ends to construct categorical fixed points

8 votes

Formalizing "no junk, no confusion"

8 votes

What assumptions and methodology do metaproofs of logic theorems use and employ?

7 votes

Intermediate value theorem on computable reals

7 votes

computation, algebra, logic

7 votes

Are there any good nonconstructive "existential metatheorems"?

7 votes

How much of the current logic is about syntax?

7 votes

Can we prove set theory is consistent?

6 votes

Equality vs. isomorphism vs. specific isomorphism

6 votes

Examples of inductive proofs that can be generalized by transfinite induction

6 votes

A book explaining power and limitations of Peano Axioms?

6 votes

Freyd cover of a category.

6 votes

Badiou and Mathematics

5 votes

Applications of propositional dynamic logic

5 votes

Set-theoretic foundations for formal language theory?

5 votes

Are there nonequivalent randomnesses?

5 votes

A functor whose initial algebra is another's terminal coalgebra

5 votes

Defining variable, symbol, indeterminate and parameter

5 votes

Does type theory help us avoid the "defining postulate"?

5 votes

Formal verification of simple equational proofs (as in Universal Algebra...)?

4 votes

What non-monoidal functors on monoidal categories are used "in nature"?

4 votes

What are other theories of causality besides graphical models and Bayesian networks?

4 votes

Comprehensive reference for synthetic euclidean geometry

4 votes

Context free grammar + functions = ?

4 votes

What does the disjunction elimination rule say?

4 votes

What are the most attractive Turing undecidable problems in mathematics?