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Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
Benjamin Steinberg
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
68 votes

Why aren't representations of monoids studied so much?

59 votes

Which mathematical definitions should be formalised in Lean?

45 votes

Results from abstract algebra which look wrong (but are true)

40 votes

What are the benefits of viewing a sheaf from the "espace étalé" perspective?

38 votes

Is it decidable to check if an element has finite order or not?

37 votes

Changes forced by the pandemic

31 votes

Results from abstract algebra which look wrong (but are true)

31 votes

Why is the fundamental group of a compact Riemann surface not free ?

30 votes

Number of irreducible representations of a finite group over a field of characteristic 0

29 votes

What recent programmes to alter highly-entrenched mathematical terminology have succeeded, and under what conditions do they tend to succeed or fail?

28 votes

Not especially famous, long-open problems which anyone can understand

27 votes

Why do we associate a graph to a ring?

27 votes

Is "almost-solvability" of Diophantine equations decidable?

25 votes

How many category structures are possible on two sets?

25 votes

Publishing a bad paper?

24 votes

Results from abstract algebra which look wrong (but are true)

24 votes

Solving algebraic problems with topology

23 votes

Are there any "simple" monoids with intermediate growth?

23 votes

Counterexamples in universal algebra

22 votes

Shortest supersequence of all permutations of $n$ elements

22 votes

free group of finite rank can contain free groups of infinite rank as a subgroup

21 votes

Applications for p-Sylow subgroups theorem

21 votes

Old books still used

20 votes

Are there any computational problems in groups that are harder than P?

19 votes

Does there exist an ordering-functor?

19 votes

A ring for which the category of left and right modules are distinct

18 votes

How many finitely-generated-by-elements-of-finite-order-groups are there?

18 votes

Number of solutions to equations in finite groups

18 votes

Number of idempotent $n\times n$ matrices over $\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z}$?

18 votes

Is it ever a good idea to use Keisler-Shelah to show elementary equivalence?

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