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David Vander Mijnsbrugge's user avatar
David Vander Mijnsbrugge
  • Member for 4 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
Singular values of random uniform matrix
I went with the solution of the MaCarlo suggested. Since this was a requirement for a computational issue the small errors for N, M larger than 10 or so were no problem. As for as i sought, i did not find an exact result.
Singular values of random uniform matrix
Thank you, it seems that i have some accuracy issues with my code. Thank you for the clarification.
Singular values of random uniform matrix
Thanks for the quick reply. I was incomplete in my question. I am aware of the MP distribution, but i am looking for a general pdf or marginal distribution and not the limiting case since the applications requires all sizes of matrices.