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Joakim Arnlind
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
Positive matrices matrices over commutative rings
Thanks for the references and the examples Stefan! I have already look them up. Coming back to example no 3 above: I certainly want to have a setup that includes the case of smooth functions on a manifold. Can one find a nice class of rings / algebras (including algebras of smooth functions on a manifold) for which "theorems about positive matrices" hold? What is the crucial property that one needs? Maybe it is technically easier to stick to a positivity defined through positive functionals?
Positive matrices matrices over commutative rings
Thank you for the remark! Unfortunately, I'd like to answer "no" to the first two questions. I'd like the ordering to be a rather weak one, similar to the "positive cone" of $\ast$-algebras, i.e. elements that can be written as sums of $a^\ast a$ (or just sums of squares with the trivial star involution). This will induce a "ring pre-order". Furthermore, I don't want to restrict myself to integral domains; I have many examples with zero divisors, that I'd like to consider.
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