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V. Asnin
  • Member for 4 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
bijection from vectors with non-negative integer integer entries to integers
In fact I am interested in the case of large $N$
Analog of self-conjugate representation of symmetric group for Hecke algebra
Thank you Dave, I didn't think this way. Your method deals with $\bar{\sigma}$'s only and not with their products. Even a finite amount of $\alpha$'s can be good enough for me, so I guess I need to proceed further.
Need for "minimal representation" of a symmetric group
I checked the case of $S_7$, there is no representation of dimension 7 with the required properties, so the assumption of coolpapa doesn't work
Need for "minimal representation" of a symmetric group
Thank you for your answer. I tried for some time to write examples explicitly, but was unable to see any clear pattern. That is why I am asking this question.
Need for "minimal representation" of a symmetric group
What I need is an explicit construction together with a proof that it indeed provides the answer. I actually need it for some numeric computation
Representation of a group with dimension equal to a number of conjugacy classes
Thanks a lot to everybody who gave an answer. In fact what I ment to ask was if there was a way to "naturally" define a representation with dimention equal to a number of conjugacy classes for every symmetric group. So the monster group is not a case of this consideration. Trivial representations may appear in a decomposition to irreps. I am asking for some "natural", meaningful representation possessing some properties, or interesting realizations