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What is $h$? Also how did you get the formula. I don't know if it does. I think the analogue I am thninking of this problem is when you want to find a matrix $X$ such that $\left\lVert XA - B \right\rVert_F^2$ is minimal.
I more meant "quadratic energies" not "quadratic forms". So something like $E(\alpha f) = \left| \alpha \right| ^2 E(f)$. Also in $\Delta f = 0$ I more meant the operator $\Delta$. I also think I meant if there's a general theorem between energies and selfadjoint operators (not necessarily quadratic).
Hi, thank you for the answer. I am assuming I need to assume separable Hilbert space for this theory, correct? I cannot see much theory generalized to Banach Spaces in general.
I think I understand the idea. Which is a similar intuition as mine. What I was wondering however if there's some what to measure this ill conditioning (conditioning number could be one of it).
I am digesting the answer. Can you clarify what you mean by "characteristic function of normal distribution". Also what do you mean by "borderline positive definite", how are you assessing the borderline?