喻 良's user avatar
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喻 良's user avatar
喻 良
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen this week
37 votes

Can one cover the plane with less than continuum of lines?

17 votes

When will the real numbers be Borel?

12 votes

Non null Turing antichain

11 votes

Partitioning $\mathbb{R}$ into $\aleph_1$ Borel sets

9 votes

Borel Sets in Sacks Generic Extension

9 votes

Is there a perfect set of ground model reals in the Cohen extension?

9 votes

Is it known how the Sigma Algebra generated by Jordan measurable sets compares to universally measurable sets and analytic sets?

8 votes

Sets computable from enough hints

8 votes

A "suitably generic" set of Cohen reals without forcing?

8 votes

Martin's cone theorem and recursion theory

6 votes

A G-delta-sigma that is not F-sigma?

6 votes

Martin-Löf randomness relative to a $\Delta^0_2$-representation of a real

6 votes

Borel cross section

5 votes

Analytic uniformization

5 votes

Vitali Sets vs Bernstein Sets...

5 votes

A compactness property for Borel sets

5 votes

Is checking whether a compact $\Pi^0_1$-class is nonempty $\Sigma^1_1$-hard?

5 votes

Connection between countable ordinals and Turing degrees

5 votes

Double Posner-Robinson Join (or a cupping analog of minimal pair)

5 votes

Steinhaus theorem and Hausdorff dimension

4 votes

$\Pi^0_2$ singleton forming minimal pair with $0''$

4 votes

Is there a Borel subset of $ \mathbb{R}^{2} $, with finite vertical cross-sections, whose projection onto the first component is non-Borel?

4 votes

To find an element of a $\Pi^1_1$ set

4 votes

Definition of HYP in $L_{\omega_1^{CK}}[a]$?

4 votes

Degree of unsolvability of finding a open approximation to a Borel set, given its Borel code

3 votes

Are lightface \Delta-1-1 classes of reals describable with hyperarthmetic formulae?

3 votes

Probability that a Turing machine will nontrivially reduce a real

3 votes

$\Delta^{1}_{2}$ and degrees of constructibility $\textbf{on sets}$

3 votes

Does every cuppable r.e. set cup with a low set?

3 votes

Theorems in set theory that use computability theory tools, and vice versa