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Stefan Steinerberger's user avatar
Stefan Steinerberger
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
Convex functions in convex sets
Now that's a gorgeous proof, very pretty!! This solves the question completely, thanks!!
Convex functions in convex sets
Fun!!! Noah Kravitz and Mitchell Lee ( proved it in all dimensions for domains that are sufficiently close to the ball in a suitable sense so it seems like the truth is going to be complicated. Looking forward to the proof in 2D!!
Convex functions in convex sets
I'd definitely be interested!!
Equilibrium position of $ n $ free charges as polynomials roots
Not entirely sure how related this is: there is an extension of the Stieltjes result to the six classical orthogonal polynomials that has a 1/r interaction between roots ( The induced energy can be used to quickly find roots of the six classical orthogonal polynomials by solving a coupled system of ODEs (faster methods exist, of course).
Convex functions in convex sets
The unit ball is naturally special and stronger things can be said: there, the inequality is actually true for all subharmonic functions with constant 1 (this follows relatively quickly from the maximum principle and the mean value theorem for harmonic functions). As for the ellipse: I don't think this is likely to be a counterexample, the level sets {|x| = c} get shorter when c gets large while the boundary measure stays roughly constant.
Areas of triangles induced by $n$ points on $\mathbb{S}^1$
right, two possibilities but that should only affect the overall constant
Refinement of mean value conjecture for complex polynomials?
Thanks for the details (and, of course, the construction)!
Refinement of mean value conjecture for complex polynomials?
I first thought that since all the roots have integer coordinates, the example must be somewhat robust -- after playing with it a little, it seems like it is actually fairly delicate. How was it constructed?
Refinement of mean value conjecture for complex polynomials?
Amazing!! I think there is a sign flip in the last root (-45 + 18i instead of -45 - 18i) but the picture shows it very clearly and I was able to reproduce the example numerically (I get that $g(\mbox{critical point}) = 1.001...$ for the critical point in question in question).