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Valerio Capraro's user avatar
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
Valerio Capraro
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
52 votes

What are some examples of ingenious, unexpected constructions?

18 votes

Uncountable family of infinite subsets with pairwise finite intersections

11 votes

When is a Banach space a Hilbert space?

8 votes

What is a continuous path?

8 votes

Self-dual normed spaces which are not Hilbert spaces

6 votes

Orthogonality in non-inner product spaces

6 votes

What is the domain of the "average operator"?

5 votes

How did "Ore's Conjecture" become a conjecture?

5 votes

Topological Characterisation of the real line.

5 votes

Is there an axiomatic approach of the notion of dimension ?

4 votes

What properties make $[0,1]$ a good candidate for defining fundamental groups?

3 votes

Fair but irregular polyhedral dice

3 votes

Axiom of choice and convergence

3 votes

Why are Nash-Equilibria inside the Simplex S_n unique ?

3 votes

Reference for the Gelfand duality theorem for commutative von Neumann algebras

2 votes

Can we have a finite cyclic group of rational numbers (under multiplication)?

2 votes

Representing a real number as the value of a countably infinite game

2 votes

A variational principle for amenable groups

2 votes

Direct construction of the integers

2 votes

Reformulation of amenability and growth rate of a group in terms of general metric spaces.

1 vote

Invariant means on commutative magmas

1 vote

Ultrafilters and principal filters

1 vote

Can we efficiently compute a third Nash Equilibrium, given two?