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  • Member for 5 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
Topological dimension of the image of continuous surjective functions
Thank you for the hint towards ring-like functions and the linked article. The concept of ring-like functions was new to me, so I will definitely check them out in more detail. Unfortunately the spaces I had in mind are not compact, so I am not sure if the result can be generalised. In fact in the scenario I have in mind $Y$ is simply an open subset of a Euclidean space, even homeomorphic to it.
Topological dimension of the image of continuous surjective functions
Good point, the Cantor function is useful for the construction of space-filling curves. But it is for example not an open mapping. So basically, I was looking for conditions on $f$ that exclude cases like constructions involving the Cantor function.