I'm a former student in physics (as such, I'm interested in Riemannian geometry and its connections with general relativity) fond of number theory, especially Hilbert's 8th problem, further generalizations of the Riemann Hypothesis and almost everything related to prime numbers and L Functions.
As a huge fan of the concept of symmetry, I plan to study Galois theory and representation theory of automorphism groups of discrete structures.
I'm presentely trying to find a unity in all those fields by considering the semiring $(\mathcal{M},\times,\otimes,s\mapsto 1,\zeta) $ generated by the set of automorphic L-functions belonging to the Selberg class, which I conjecture might be embedded in some Riemannian manifold (at least for a fixed value of the degree of its elements), the automorphism group thereof could help shed a new light on Grand RH, viewing the critical line as a geodesic invariant under the action of this group. I have no idea whether such an approach is realistic or not, but any help would be greatly appreciated.