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aglearner's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
9 votes

When is a closed differential form harmonic relative to some metric?

9 votes

Video lectures for algebraic geometry

8 votes

Video lectures for algebraic geometry

7 votes

Is a smooth cubic threefold diffeomorphic to a rational threefold?

7 votes

Smoothness of the branch divisor and ramification on surfaces

7 votes

Higher dimensional Bezout via Hilbert polynomials: a reference

6 votes

Elementary + short + useful

6 votes

Why study orbifolds?

5 votes

Example of finite order symplectomorphism which is not an automorphism

5 votes

Disconnectedness of Hilbert schemes of projective schemes

4 votes

"Classical" consequences of Bezout's theorem in dimensions $>2$

4 votes

Some Elementary Schubert Calculus Calculations

4 votes

Multisections of the universal curve

4 votes

Relevant mathematics to the recent coronavirus outbreak

3 votes

Examples of Calabi-Yau manifolds with $\mathbb{T}^2$ symmetry

3 votes

Online video of some courses

3 votes

Self homeomorphism of $\mathbb CP^1$ holomorphic a.e

3 votes

Does any subset of a finitely generated group with positive upper density contain three points in arithmetic progression?

3 votes

Maps to $K(\pi,1)$ spaces from manifolds with $S^1$-action

3 votes

Fixing a mistake in "An introduction to invariants and moduli"

2 votes

CSC Kahler metrics on a blown-up torus

2 votes

Anti-canonical divisorial contractions of weak Fano $3$-folds

2 votes

Length of simple closed curve in half-translation surface

2 votes

Two embedded symplectic spheres with zero square in a symplectic $4$-manifold

2 votes

Two smooth tangent almost complex curves in a $4$-manifold

2 votes

Sufficient conditions for a divisor to be connected on a K3 surface

2 votes

Smoothness of ramification divisor

2 votes

At most countably many symplectic forms in given cohomology class

2 votes

Reading list for basic differential geometry?

1 vote

The cone of curves of complex projective manifolds with an algebraic torus action