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Autumn Kent's user avatar
Autumn Kent
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
9 votes

Are subgroups of hyperbolic groups quasiisometrically embedded ?

8 votes

Example of hyperbolic 3-fold with no embedded incompressible subsurfaces

8 votes

Is it known whether there is a non-coherent group with a two- or three-relator presentation?

8 votes

Cohomology of representation varieties

8 votes

injectivity radius of hyperbolic surface

8 votes

Examples of non-metrizable spaces

8 votes

Uniqueness of a polygon

8 votes

Cocktail party math

8 votes

Mappings of mapping class groups

8 votes

Can connectedness of fibers of a smooth map be checked on a dense set?

7 votes

Algebraic Geometry versus Complex Geometry

7 votes

Has this notion of product of graphs been studied?

7 votes

Degrees of self-maps of aspherical manifolds

7 votes

Nonhyperbolic groups that contain no free abelian groups or Baumslag-Solitar groups

7 votes

Stallings fibration theorem

7 votes

Cohomological dimension of $\mathcal{B}_n$

6 votes

Contractible noncompact 3-manifold without boundary not homeomorphic to $\Bbb R^3$

6 votes

Does there exist a finite-index subgroup of SL2Z with all cusps irregular?

6 votes

Why should I care about Heegaard-Floer theory?

6 votes

Mapping torus relative to an infinite orbit can be hyperbolic with finite volume?

6 votes

Torsion in cuspidal cohomology

6 votes

Books for hyperbolic geometry ( surfaces ) with exercises?

6 votes

Has coarse continuity been known already?

6 votes

Real-valued function "so surjective" that should be non measurable

5 votes

Residually finite + torsion free + finite index = finite complex?

5 votes

Question on the index of abelianization of groups

5 votes

Generators of the mapping class group for surfaces with punctures and boundaries

5 votes

Finite outer automorphism groups

5 votes

Finitely presented groups which are not residually amenable

4 votes

Friedman and proof of Hanna Neumann Conjecture