For code samples and musings: see here.
- Elm
- c#
- Ruby on Rails
- CAD programming including: the AutoCAD .net API and Tekla Open API
I enjoy long code walks and eating spaghetti code over a candle-lit text editor.
Double Jumper, orange-mocha-frappucinno aficionado. Roughly in that order.
Double Jump
I enjoy the double jump. It's exactly like the triple-jump, but with one less.
Checking the Documentation
Another hobby I enjoy vis a vis Microsoft's .net technology is commenting on any errata I find - particularly with respect to punctuation. There, is nothing, more, annoying than a misplaced comma.
I also like playing WoW.
Beauty Pageant Winner
I've also won a beauty pageant. But unfortunately I had to forfeit it and go straight to jail without passing go. I still pocketed the $200 though. #BadBoyz4Evaz
Wait....you're still here?