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Vladimir Dotsenko
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
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What should one do before submitting a paper?
@DavidRoberts I looked at academia.SE several times in the past, and I found the amount of pointless comments and answers (pointless because the site is not maths-specific and a lot of people feel that they should offer their opinion even if it is not relevant) very frustrating. So I totally understand at least one reason to post this question on MO.
Proving Mertens' theorem using the prime number theorem
I sincerely hope that you and the OP meant something like $o(1/\log x)$. In particular, $O(\log(x))$ makes the presence of $\log\log x+M$ in (*) completely pointless?
(Conceptual) proof and/or interpretation of a $q$-binomial identity
Thanks Fedya, this is very nice. For my immediate purposes Neil's answer might be more immediately useful but I like this one very much too.
(Conceptual) proof and/or interpretation of a $q$-binomial identity
@Z.M Ah, I see - you suggest to expand each $q^\alpha$ around $q=1$. Yes, that is a perfectly valid point, thanks!
(Conceptual) proof and/or interpretation of a $q$-binomial identity
Thanks Neil! This is lovely. Though with my conventions the identity is correct (since my $(q;q)_k$ evaluates to $1$ at $q=0$): the cardinality of $GL_k$ is $(-1)^kq^{\binom{k}2}(q;q)_k$ ;)
(Conceptual) proof and/or interpretation of a $q$-binomial identity
@Z.M can you elaborate? I mean, these are not quite polynomials in $a,b$ as written.
And, yet, another evaluation to Catalan numbers
That's quite remarkable that $\binom{2n}{n}-\binom{2n}{n-2}$ is also a Catalan number - I did not know it either!
Quillen–Suslin theorem in a more general context
Do you know any non-exterior example?
Is there an alternative to the arXiv for uploading mathematical papers?
@DavidRoberts every good research paper I saw on RG was actually published elsewhere (in a reputable journal or on the arXiv). I strongly believe that if one looks at instances where the only published copy is on RG, it is as much bottom of the barrel as vixra. In any case, seeing it on the same list as HAL both amused and frightened me.
Is there an alternative to the arXiv for uploading mathematical papers?
@Favst there are many examples of predatory publishers and predatory journals that waive fees on particular occasions. I find it quite odd that you (in the original post) were so relaxed about accusing moderators of a crucial service of harassment but feel the need to be so protective of the journal name.
Is there an alternative to the arXiv for uploading mathematical papers?
@DavidRoberts in all fairness, ResearchGate also has an awful lot of truly bizarre preprints, as I discovered recently in the process of being harassed by someone demanding me to read their rather hopeless writings aiming to solve most Millenium problems...
Is there an alternative to the arXiv for uploading mathematical papers?
Also, may I ask where it was published? The general criterion of arXiv has always been "publishable in a non-predatory journal".
On the center of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra
I do not think there is any hope for any very general statements. For some related results, see and references therein.
Papers of the masters translated to English in one location
If there is a need for a resource of that kind (which I am not sure about), it should not be hosted by a private person.
Papers of the masters translated to English in one location
@Carl-FredrikNybergBrodda it is more than a slight exaggeration. Basically, there is a selection of good Russian language journals for which all papers were digitized. For quite a few others, nothing was digitized, unfortunately.
Companion matrices must have geometric multiplicity one, linear recurrence sequence view
The fact that it did not receive an answer on MSE does not mean that it belongs on MO. This is not research level mathematics. Voting to close
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