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Agustí Roig's user avatar
Agustí Roig's user avatar
Agustí Roig
  • Member for 14 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Barcelona, España
15 votes

How can a mathematician handle the pressure to discover something new?

14 votes

What is 'formal' ?

10 votes

Derived functors vs universal delta functors

5 votes

What is 'formal' ?

4 votes

nontrivial isomorphisms of categories

4 votes

Hypercohomology of a dg-algebra

4 votes

Learning to Think Categorically

3 votes

Principle when limits level by level don't commute with simplicial structure

3 votes

What is the best way to study Rational Homotopy Theory

2 votes

A model structure on the category of "dualizing maps"

2 votes

vanishing theorems

2 votes

Why is a topology made up of 'open' sets?

2 votes

Assumptions on the category C for sheafification of C-valued presheaves

2 votes

internal homs and adjunctions?

1 vote

Undergraduate Level Math Books

1 vote

What is an explicit example of a sequence converging to two different points?

1 vote

What are the fibrant objects in the injective model structure?

1 vote

ddbar lemma for positive closed (1,1)-currents

1 vote

Notion of module over commutative post lie algebra

0 votes

Is the first filtration Hausdorff?

0 votes

Most helpful heuristic?