Holonomy as integration of curvature for principal $G$-bundles?
Address the details for the part that the original question is about.
Examples of inductive proofs that can be generalized by transfinite induction
A heuristic but very nice outline is given in Contents of Gentzen's consistency proof of PA
How to prove Con(PA) in ZFC?
I wonder, does such a proof that PA is consistent (using ZFC) guarantees that there will never be a statement $\phi$ (stated in PA) such that it is impossible for $\phi$ and $\neg \phi$ to be theorems in PA?
The importance of Poincare Conjecture or SPC4?
fix spelling and grammar
Reduction of the $0$-handle data in Lurie's classification of TFT
@ManuelAraújo I appreciate for your explanation for strict $2$-category in your paper! Now I'm worried.. I thought the problem would go away once we prove the essential uniqueness for strict $2$-cats. However, you had to prove it for strict $3$-cats (in the same paper), and Riehl-Veriy had to prove it for $qCat_\infty$ ( Who had prove this for general $(\infty,n)$-cats, or at least for the cobordism categories $Cob_n$? Any reference? Or is it something that is accepted by folklore without a careful proof?
Reduction of the $0$-handle data in Lurie's classification of TFT
@ManuelAraújo I would love to have a reference or a complete proof for this! In particular, in for a strict category, the space of the triples $(g,u,c)$ should be a single point, right? I couldn't prove this even for the most classical case, i.e. when $f$ is a functor between two categories.
Reduction of the $0$-handle data in Lurie's classification of TFT
Separate a statement for ease of reading.
Natural ways to make a functor adjoint
This is very useful in TFT because a priori adjoint functors are hard to compute explicitly. And passing to $Prof$ makes it easier. The problem is, in the end, how do we pass back to $Func$?
Natural ways to make a functor adjoint
I finally understood this answer, after seeing very similar things in Bartlett et al's Modular categories as representations of the 3-dimensional bordism 2-category, section 2. There, they work for categories enriched over Vect. So I'd say the trick here is by viewing $F: C \to D$ as a profunctor $F^{formal}: C \nrightarrow D$ in $Prof$, whose right adjoint is simply $G^{formal}: D \nrightarrow C$. And the desired $G$ exists iff $G^{formal}$ is co-representable.
Natural ways to make a functor adjoint
It took me a while to understand this answer, and wow it's good! (1) I wonder, is $U^G: C^{T^G} \to C$ also initial among functors to $C$ that admit left adjoints? (I know what 'monadic' means here, but I don't feel natural to consider the initial object among monadic functors to $C$; partly because I don't understand why we should consider only the monadic ones.) (2) (How) Does your answer fit into Mike Shulman's?
Algorithm to check is representation irreducible ? Algorithm to decompose the reducible one ?
This has been inspiring me over the past few days. Some older papers are difficult to find. A modern account is given in sec 1.3 of Lux and Pahlings' Representations of Groups. There, two basic variants were given. The meataxe based on Norton's irreducibility criterion only works for finite fields. A workaround is the Holt-Rees algorithm. However, one step of the later requires factorizing single-variable polynomials over the field, which no definite algorithm solves. Over the integer ring $Z$, check Parker's paper on The Integral Meataxe.
Algorithm to check is representation irreducible ? Algorithm to decompose the reducible one ?
The link to Max Neunhoffer's note from @TimDokchitser is broken. I suppose this link brings to a similar document…
Dimension of hom spaces between indecomposable modules
Thanks for pointing out that I need "algebraic closeness"; edited. And I appreciate your results on $k[G]$-modules. Are there general techniques? Or it is so elusive that we must focus on special case?
Dimension of hom spaces between indecomposable modules
Fix error: k needs to be restricted, otherwise Schur's lemma only gives division algebras over k.