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SBF's user avatar
SBF's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Berlin
5 votes

How much one can earn on a white noise ?

3 votes

Approximating a hitting time for some state using the stationary distribution?

2 votes

Upper bound concerning Snell envelope

2 votes

approximation methods in integral equations

2 votes

Convex hulls of families of probability measures

2 votes

Is there an easy way to convert a non-deterministic optimal policy to a deterministic optimal policy for a given MDP?

1 vote

Measurable $\epsilon$-optimal selection with an analytically measurable stochastic kernel

1 vote

Maximal probability of "infinitely often" over MDP

1 vote

Particular neighborhoods of analytical sets

1 vote

Diffusion sample paths as deformed Brownian sample paths

1 vote

Integral Fredholm equation of the second type