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Somos's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
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14 votes

is this a modular form of some kind?

14 votes

Is the field of q-series 'dead'?

11 votes

Accelerating convergence for some double sums

8 votes

Can we use Ramanujan's parameterization of Klein's quartic to solve Klein's septic?

8 votes

A simple matrix multiplication query

8 votes

Experimental mathematics in Ramanujan's work

7 votes

Relation between arithmetic functions and modular forms

7 votes

Count weighted integer compositions

7 votes

Conceptual insights and inspirations from experimental and computational mathematics

6 votes

Hankel determinant evaluation of special lattice paths

6 votes

Generalized partitions and eta functions

6 votes

Solution of an equation with Jacobi theta function

6 votes

Sage: Evaluation precision for elliptic curves over p-adic fields

6 votes

On the linear factors of a polynomial obtained from the determinant of a matrix whose entries are related to Binomial expansion

6 votes

Is there a reference for these types of cubic identities?

6 votes

Fibonacci series captures Euler $e=2.718\dots$

5 votes

Counterpart of cyclotomic polynomials for elliptic divisibility sequences

5 votes

Are these 5 the only eta quotients that parameterize $x^2+y^2 = 1$?

4 votes

On the Klein quartic and the similar $a^2b+b^2c+c^2a$?

4 votes

Modular formulas in $X_0(2)$

4 votes

Structures that turn out to exhibit a symmetry even though their definition doesn't

4 votes

Denominators of certain Laurent polynomials

4 votes

Infinite sum and product associated with the Weierstrass elliptic function

4 votes

Expression for infinite product

4 votes

Deformation of the Plücker coordinates

4 votes

Recursion formula for analogue of Catalan numbers

4 votes

What is the solution, $f(n)$, of the following functional equation: $mf(m)+nf(n)=(m+n+xmn)f(m+n+xmn)$?

3 votes

Differential equations satisfied by quasi modular forms?

3 votes

Formal group law and Koenigs function conjecture?

3 votes

Some nice polynomials related to Hankel determinants