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Kugutsu-o's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
What is a coordinate less definition of differentiable manifolds
Iv never heard of that and don't think it's exactly mainstream either. The main attraction to GA is that it's coordinate free. But I guess it fails to provide an intrinsic differentual geometry
What is a coordinate less definition of differentiable manifolds
Well the redundancy part is quite subtle. For example in GA stokes theorem implies both divergence and rotation theorems, and at the same time applies to vector valued differential forms. So this is how redundancy is cut down.
What is a coordinate less definition of differentiable manifolds
So I would like a simple, coordinate free manifold geometry theory without embedding. Hestenes has the coordinate free but not intrinsic , and mainstream formulation has a lot of redundancy and coordinates though it's intrinsic.
What is a coordinate less definition of differentiable manifolds
This is exactly what I'm saying. He explicitly states his formulation is intrinsic yet I can't see how. At no poit did I say intrinsic geometry is redundant if anything, sometimes it's the other way around. I said that the mainstream intrinsic formulation has a lot of redundancy. Hestenes managed to remove this redundancy of structure in which he failed to retain the intrinsic formulation despite claiming otherwise.
What is a coordinate less definition of differentiable manifolds
I don't see how this answers the problem. The main point hestenes tried to make is that exactly what you seem to be talking about is just a redundancy ridden formalism that he tries to simplify in what he calls geometric algebra. Also geometric algebra is coordinate less, so it doesn't use coordinates. Thaugh his calculations are coordinate less, they seem to unequivocally imply an imbedding. I don't see how this is not the case, that is the question
What are some interesting relationships between pi and phi?
OK good answer, still, I would love if there was a way to somehow define an infinite series that would compute the area or circumference of a circle without using sine, unless one can define and relate sine to geometry without coordinates.
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
What do you mean I'm not asking about how to tech these concepts?
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
this is exactly what the question is about, new approach to circ functions and pi and lim nsin(x/n). As long as it's not usi g coordinates or ortho normal basis
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
Yea I wish to avoid adopting a basis or anything like that.
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
It doest matter what I consider coordinate free(thaugh I explained it clearly in all my posts those lines if for some reason that is of interest here.. I staded it perfectly unambiguously here too look at the description:"without in any way introducing coordinates",...
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
@Yemon Choi we are some thousands of years past archimedes, regardless, evidently now, one has to define angle either using arclengt or arch area of a circle, I just want to show that both are proportional to pi as given by some infinite series one calculates it with
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
In the answer it's stated that trig functions are defined as matrices of the homomorphism. So instead of matrix algebras you use Clifford algebras, certain spinors as their elements..
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
@Alexandre Eremenko Also there are ways to have a rotation group representation without matrices or hyper complex numbers. Every rotation is a composition of two reflections, and in some systems, variations of Clifford algebra where this ratation groups are equivalent to spinors in a completely coordinate free way.
coordinate free foundations of trigonometry
I agree that distinction is blurry, but does that mean that in the theory of pure geometry the ratio of circle length and radius is an undecidable question?