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Nathaniel Johnston's user avatar
Nathaniel Johnston
  • Member for 14 years
  • Last seen this week
32 votes

Necessary conditions for the existence of solution of Sylvester equation AX=XB

31 votes

Square root of doubly positive symmetric matrices

31 votes

What is the intuition for the trace norm (nuclear norm)?

28 votes

Are infinite planar graphs still 4-colorable?

22 votes

Which theorems have Pythagoras' Theorem as a special case?

19 votes

When is 2 qualitatively different from 3?

18 votes

positive not completely positive maps

17 votes

Operator norm of square root of matrix vs original

17 votes

Possible values of the determinant for matrices with elements $\{1, 0, -1\}$

16 votes

Find the determinant of a matrix given the determinant of all $p\times p$ sub-matrices?

15 votes

Is there such a thing

14 votes

How hard (P, NP, NP-hard) is it to compute Schur norms of matrices (as multipliers)?

12 votes

Conditions for including cones

12 votes

Invertibility of a matrix defined using inner product

11 votes

Equivalence of entrywise 1-norm and Schatten-1 norm

11 votes

Decomposability of positive maps

11 votes

Linear algebra underlying quantum entanglement?

10 votes

How to check whether a matrix is completely positive or not?

10 votes

Product of the entries of a matrix

9 votes

Is there a name for this type of matrix?

9 votes

When is a linear isomorphism of $M_n(\mathbb{C})$ given by unitary conjugation?

9 votes

Moments of the trace of orthogonal matrices

9 votes

NP-hard problems in linear algebra and real analysis

8 votes

elementwise functions of positive definite matrix

8 votes

Positive-semidefiniteness of a Gram-like matrix

7 votes

Tensor product of positive linear maps is positive

7 votes

Solution to a Sylvester equation with positive definite coefficients

7 votes

Powers of traces, integrals over spheres and class functions

6 votes

Non-orthogonal vectors cosine-enhancing transformation

6 votes

Is the solution of this optimization problem always positive semidefinite?