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Evgeny Shinder
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
Linear system on singular plane curve
Regarding the last question: if you want a polynomial $f(x,y)$ and all its derivatives up to $m$ to vanish at a point $p$, it gives $\binom{m+2}{2}$ independent linear conditions on the coefficients. Indeed, if we assume $p = (0,0)$, then the condition is that monomials of $f$ of degrees up to $m$ vanish, and there are $1 + 2 + \dots + (m+1) = \binom{m+2}{2}$ of these.
To what extent is the derived category of coherent sheaves on a scheme a "homotopy type" of the scheme?
Informally, both derived categories and (stable) homotopy types provide a functor from a nonlinear category of spaces to a more linear category. Both formalisms relate to Grothendieck's idea of motives which is supposed to be a universal such functor. Indeed there are conjectural links between motives and derived categories, as well as adjoint functors between triangulated category of motives and A^1-stable homotopy category. Finally, one analogy for Postnikov towers in derived category is the concept of a semiorthognal decomposition.
Smooth subvarieties through a singular point
A simplest example of a normal factorial surface singularity is $E_8$ with equation $x^2 + y^3 + z^5 = 0$. By comments of Pop and Sándor Kovács, there will be no smooth curves on this surface passing through the origin.
Fano $3$-folds with one singularity
Is it a fact that such Fano 3-folds are not smoothable?
Obstruction to rationality of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4
In Tschinkel's talk, on slide 15 he says that it is a conjecture of Colliot-The'le`ne that existence of a point plus vanishing of Br(X_K)/Br(K) for all field extensions K/k implies stable rationality for del Pezzo surfaces.
Del Pezzo surfaces and homotopy groups of spheres
Maybe one thing to add is that Hirzebruch surfaces, that is $\mathbf{P}^1$-bundles over $\mathbf{P}^1$ all have the form $\mathbf{F_n} = \mathbf{P}(\mathcal{O}+\mathcal{O}(n))$, $n \in \mathbf{Z}$, and their diffeomorphism type depends only on $n \mod{2}$: Finally, $\mathbf{F}_0 = \mathbf{P}^1 \times \mathbf{P}^1$ and $\mathbf{F}_1 = Bl_{x}(\mathbf{P^2})$.
anticanonical divisors
If you also require that $-K_Y$ is ample, so that $Y$ is a Fano threefold, then say in Picard rank one, K3 surface $X$ will be of degree 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, which is part of the classification of Fano threefolds. Beauville generalizes this for arbitrary Picard rank (keeping the Fano assumption):
induced morphism through normalization
I think the map is not surjective in general. That is, if the image of $\mathbf{P}^1$ lands in the singular locus of $Y$, there is no reason why the map can be lifted to $X$. One can find an example for surfaces, and I think one such example is a surface $x^2 u = y^2 v$ in coordinates $[x,y,z] \in \mathbf{P}^2$, $[u,v] \in \mathbf{P}^1$. Its singular locus is isomorphic to a projective line, and taking normalization yields a connected $2:1$ cover on the exceptional locus, hence there is no lifting for the identity map on the exceptional locus.
The Picard scheme of an ordinary singular curve
Are you asking why Jacobian of a nodal curve is an extension of an abelian variety (in fact, the Jacobian of its normalization) by a torus? This is a result of Oort 1962,, Prop. 2.3.
Field extensions in Grothendieck rings
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Field extensions in Grothendieck rings
@ulrich: What exactly do you mean? I think all the `cohomological' data (Artin motives, Galois modules) which can be extracted from $[X]$ will not be able to distinguish fields.
Field extensions in Grothendieck rings
One question I would like to know the answer myself is: what if $\mathbf{L}^n\cdot([\mathrm{K}]-[\mathrm{K'}]) = 0$? Are $K$, $K'$ isomorphic then? Here $\mathbf{L} = [\mathbf{A}^1]$.
Field extensions in Grothendieck rings
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Determinantal identities for perfect complexes
...and under not very restrictive conditions on $X$, e.g. quasiprojective we have $K_0(Perf(X)) = K_0(VB(X))$ ($VB$ stands for vector bundles). Hence if an additive identity is checked on vector bundles, it seems to follow for perfect complexes.
Determinantal identities for perfect complexes
One simple-minded comment is that $det$ is a homomorphism from $K_0(Perf(X))$ to $Pic(X)$, hence
Derived category of singular varieties
Could you please give a reference for $Perf(X)$ being the pullback of all the $Perf(\tilde{X}_k)$?
Vector bundles on $\mathbb{A}^n / G$
Thanks! Looking at the proof, it seems that the key nontrivial result inside is that of Anderson, that in this setting vector bundles always split into line bundles:‌​…, e.g. Prop. 5.1.
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