degree five genus one curves without rational points?
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degree five genus one curves without rational points?
I was hoping for a condition in terms of arithmetic of the field, e.g. existence of a finite field extension of a certain type.
nonvanishing higher cohomology of a very ample divisor
Thanks, Jason, that's great! I see that the projection of $X$ to the the first factor $\mathbf{P}^2$ identifies $X$ with a blow up of $\mathbf{P}^2$ in $d^2$ points obtained from a pair of intersecting degree $d$ plane curves, in particular $X$ is rational and so $p_g(X) = q(X) = 0$. Furthermore, I see how for large $d$, $\chi(L) < 0$, hence $L$ has nonvanishing $h^1$.
Variety of negative Kodaira dimension contains a projective line
I wonder if a single uniruled parametrization may ever suffice in this question. Namely, do there exist uniruled parametrizations with images of all components of all fibers being singular rational curves? It's easy to arrange such parametrization with general curve being singular, but these typically break up to have smooth components.
$K_0$ of configuration of hyperplanes
For singular curves, the nontrivial part of $K_0(X)$ should come from the Picard group $Pic(X)$ which can be computed in terms of the local structure of singular points. One reference about Picard group of singular curves is
An explicit negative solution to the Lüroth problem for non-algebraically closed fields
This version of the Luroth problem for the fields of invariants is sometimes called the Noether problem:….
An explicit negative solution to the Lüroth problem for non-algebraically closed fields
Higher degree unirational parametrizations of cubics with a rational point are explained in
An explicit negative solution to the Lüroth problem for non-algebraically closed fields
Geometrically, the question translates into degree of unirationality of this surface. Namely, if there is a degree two dominant rational map from $\mathbf{P}^2$ to this cubic, then the corresponding field extension would automatically be Galois. Typically, degree two parametrization of cubic hypersurfaces comes from a line defined over a ground field, as in, Corollary 1.18. However in this case the only line I see (at infinity) is passing through singular points, and the construction doesn't work.
An analogue of Noether's Problem for non-rational varieties
(Q1): If $X$ is a smooth projective curve, and $G$ a finite group acting on it, then $X/G$ is smooth projective curve. Using Riemann-Hurwitz formula one shows that Q1 can only hold when $X$ has genus $0$ (always) or genus $1$.
Clemens-Griffiths component birational invariant
An excellent modern survey by Beauville:; see section 3 for the intermediate Jacobian.
Algebraic curve mapping to elliptic curve - how to check whether this is possible?
If the curve has a nontrivial finite group action, the induced action on the Jacobian can split off an elliptic curve. This will be the case if a group element has an eigenvalue 1 of multiplicity one on the tangent space to the Jacobian (which is the dual to the space of 1-forms on the curve).
A criterion for isotriviality of families of varieties of general type
The title of the question has general type in it, but not the question itself! Without general type assumption, e.g. for del Pezzo surfaces, the statement will be definitely false because the canonical class of the fibers will be negative, so the pushforward will be zero, but del Pezzo surfaces have moduli.
Smoothness of Hilbert scheme of rational normal curves
At least on the level of points of the moduli space, to specify a rational normal curve of degree $r$, you can first parametrize it as a map from $\mathbf{P}^1$ to $\mathbf{P}^r$ of degree $r$ (Veronese embedding). This amounts to choosing the basis of degree $r$ polynomials in $X$, $Y$. Two maps give the same curve if they differ by linear action on $X$, $Y$.
Smoothness of Hilbert scheme of rational normal curves
You can represent the open subscheme of the Hilbert scheme as a GIT quotient. For instance for twisted cubics, one needs to choose 4 homogeneous polynomials of degree $3$ in $X$, $Y$, up to common scaling and then quotient out the $\mathbf{PGL}_2$-action on $X$, $Y$. This gives a $12$-dimensional component of the Hilbert scheme.
$0$-Dimensional $k$-varieties in the Grothendieck ring $K_0(V_k)$
In characteristic zero, classes of fields are linearly independent by the Larsen-Lunts theorem, as in the answer here:…
Basic questions and reference on Grothendieck ring of varieties
(1) is a bit strange: RHS is a scheme, so why do you ask for isomorphism of stacks? The natural question is whether $K_0(L)^G$ is isomorphic to $K_0(K)$.
Uniruled locus in the parameter space of hypersurfaces
In characteristic zero, an obvious lower bound is one, as for $d \ge n+1$ uniruled hypersurfaces must be singular.